Hammock Advice

How Do You Dry a Hammock : The Ultimate Guide to Drying Your Hammock Fast

How Do You Dry a Hammock
Jeffrey Owens

To dry a hammock, never put a nylon hammock in the dryer. Hang it outside or air dry it inside, and it should dry in about thirty minutes.

Air Drying Your Hammock

After a fun-filled day of lounging in your hammock, it’s time to give it a good clean and dry. Drying your hammock properly is essential to maintain its durability and ensure it stays in great condition. Air drying is one of the most effective and easiest ways to dry your hammock, whether you choose to hang it outside or indoors.

Hanging your hammock outside to dry

One of the simplest and most popular methods to air dry your hammock is by hanging it outside. Not only does this method help your hammock dry quickly, but it also allows it to benefit from the fresh air and natural sunlight. To hang your hammock outside, follow these steps:

  1. Find a suitable location: Look for a space in your backyard or patio where you can hang your hammock. Make sure it’s a secure spot that will provide enough room for the hammock to hang freely.
  2. Use sturdy hooks or tree straps: Securely attach the hooks or tree straps to the supporting structure, such as trees, posts, or poles, ensuring they can hold the weight of the hammock.
  3. Hang the hammock: Carefully hang your hammock on the hooks or straps. Ensure that it is well-balanced and not too tight or loose.
  4. Allow proper airflow: Make sure that the hammock is fully extended and not bunched up. This will allow proper airflow and ensure it dries evenly.
  5. Keep an eye on the weather: Check the weather forecast beforehand to ensure that there won’t be any rain or storms to potentially damage your hammock. If the weather is uncertain, it’s best to bring your hammock indoors.
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Air drying indoors with proper ventilation and fans

If you’re unable to hang your hammock outside, you can still air dry it indoors. However, it’s crucial to choose a well-ventilated area and use fans to speed up the drying process. Follow these steps to air dry your hammock indoors:

  1. Select a well-ventilated room: Choose a room with good air circulation, such as a living room with open windows or a room with a ceiling fan.
  2. Securely hang the hammock: Use sturdy hooks or straps to hang the hammock in the room. Ensure that it is properly secured and balanced.
  3. Position fans strategically: Place fans near the hammock to circulate air and expedite the drying process. Adjust the fan settings to medium or high for maximum effectiveness.
  4. Leave space for airflow: Ensure that there is enough space around the hammock for proper airflow. Avoid placing furniture or other items too close to it, as this may hinder drying.
  5. Regularly check on the progress: Periodically check on your hammock to assess its drying progress. Give it a gentle shake to aerate the fabric and help it dry faster.

Remember, regardless of whether you choose to air dry your hammock outside or indoors, it’s important to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for the specific materials and cleaning guidelines. By properly air drying your hammock, you can ensure its longevity and continue enjoying relaxing moments in it for years to come.

Tips For Speeding Up The Drying Process

Using absorbent materials like towels

One of the easiest and most effective ways to speed up the drying process of your hammock is by utilizing absorbent materials like towels. Simply spread out a clean, dry towel on the hammock and gently press down to absorb excess moisture. You can also fold the towel and place it underneath the hammock for better absorption. The towels will help to soak up the water, allowing the air to dry the hammock faster.

Utilizing a heat source like the sun or a heater

Another great way to speed up the drying process of your hammock is by utilizing a heat source like the sun or a heater. If it’s a sunny day, hang your hammock outside in a well-ventilated area where it can receive direct sunlight. The heat from the sun will help to evaporate the moisture and dry the hammock faster. Alternatively, if it’s cold or rainy outside, you can place a heater near the hammock to provide warmth and speed up the drying process.

Additional Methods For Drying Your Hammock

After washing your hammock, it’s essential to ensure that it is thoroughly dried before storing or using it again. While air drying your hammock is the ideal method, there are a few additional methods you can use to speed up the drying process. Let’s explore these methods below.

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Using a dryer (cautionary note for nylon hammocks)

When it comes to drying your hammock in a dryer, it’s crucial to exercise caution, especially if you have a nylon hammock. Nylon hammocks are made from a thin material that dries quickly, so hanging it outside or air drying it inside is usually sufficient. If you prefer using a dryer, make sure you follow these guidelines:

  1. Set the dryer on the lowest heat or delicate cycle to prevent any damage to the hammock fibers.
  2. Place the hammock in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to protect it from snags or tangling with other items in the dryer.
  3. After placing the hammock in the bag or pillowcase, remove any excess water by gently squeezing or wringing it out.
  4. Toss in a few clean, dry towels to help absorb moisture and speed up the drying process.
  5. Run the dryer for a short cycle, periodically checking the hammock’s dryness.
  6. Once the hammock is almost dry, remove it from the dryer and hang it outside or in a well-ventilated area to fully air dry.

Remember, never put a nylon hammock in the dryer for an extended period, as the excessive heat can damage the fabric and compromise its integrity.

Washing and drying a cotton hammock

If you have a cotton hammock, you have the option to use a dryer to speed up the drying process. However, it’s essential to take proper care to prevent any damage to the fabric. Follow these steps to safely dry your cotton hammock:

  1. After washing and rinsing your cotton hammock, gently wring out any excess water by twisting it carefully.
  2. Spread the hammock flat on a clean surface to remove any remaining moisture.
  3. Avoid direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause fading or discoloration.
  4. Leave the hammock spread out over a clothes horse or hang it on a sturdy clothesline. Ensure that the hammock is not touching the ground.
  5. Avoid using high heat settings on the dryer. Instead, set it to low or air dry/cool setting.
  6. Place the hammock in the dryer along with a couple of dry, clean towels to help absorb moisture.
  7. Run the dryer on a short cycle, periodically checking the hammock’s dryness. If needed, repeat the process until the hammock is completely dry.
  8. Once dry, inspect the hammock for any damp areas. If necessary, allow them to air dry before storing the hammock.

Remember, it’s crucial to ensure that the hammock is completely dry before storing it, as any leftover moisture can lead to mold or mildew growth.

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By following these additional methods for drying your hammock, you can maintain its longevity and prevent any damage or deterioration. Whether you choose to air dry or use a dryer, always prioritize the safety and fabric care instructions for your specific type of hammock.

How Do You Dry a Hammock  : The Ultimate Guide to Drying Your Hammock Fast

Credit: us.alpkit.com

Frequently Asked Questions For How Do You Dry A Hammock

Can I Put My Hammock In The Dryer?

No, you should never put a nylon hammock in the dryer. The thin material dries quickly, so hanging it outside or air drying it inside is sufficient. Your hammock should dry in about thirty minutes.

How Do You Dry Out A Hammock?

To dry out a hammock, hang it to air dry outside or in a well-ventilated room. If needed, you can point some fans at it to speed up the drying process. Never put a nylon hammock in the dryer, as the thin material dries quickly on its own.

How Do You Wash And Dry A Hammock?

To wash a hammock, hand-wash it in warm water with mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and let it air dry by hanging it outside or in a well-ventilated room. Never put a nylon hammock in the dryer, as it dries quickly on its own.

Cotton hammocks should also not be put in the dryer; instead, wring them out and lay them flat to dry.

Can You Put Cotton Hammock In Dryer?

Never put a cotton hammock in the dryer. It’s best to air dry it outside or in a well-ventilated room. Hanging it and using fans will help it dry quickly. Avoid putting it in the dryer to prevent shrinkage or damage.

Can I Put My Hammock In The Dryer?

No, it is not recommended to put a nylon hammock in the dryer. The thin material dries quickly, so hanging it outside or air-drying it inside is sufficient.

How Do You Dry Out A Hammock?

Simply hang the hammock to dry. If you can’t air dry it outside, hang it in a well-ventilated room and use fans to speed up the drying process.


To effectively dry a hammock, avoid using a dryer, as it can damage the material. Instead, opt for air drying by hanging it outside or in a well-ventilated area. If time is a constraint, use fans to expedite the drying process.

Remember, nylon hammocks dry quickly, taking approximately thirty minutes. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your hammock remains in excellent condition, ready for your next relaxation session.

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